On your Hong Kong accommodation.
When investing in property in Australia.
Save time, money and frustration
when making decisions about property
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Julianna's home ticked all the boxes.

Juliannas new home

Hear how the Buy.Smart process saves time & money.

Jo talks about the process for BuySmart clients
Put decades of experiences to work for you.

Appoint an expert Property Advocate when you rent in Hong Kong OR buy in Australia.

Moving into or moving around Hong Kong has its challenges.

It takes time and can be expensive if you make the wrong decision.

The same can be said of buying property in Australia.

Rent.Buy.Move are property advocates that act on your behalf.

We help people moving to Hong Kong. We help people moving around Hong Kong. We help people from Hong Kong and Singapore, who want to buy in Australia. We help Australians buy property in Australia.

Move Smart - International Relocations

A personalised service for people coming to HK

Hong Kong offers a huge range of different lifestyles. We can help you make the best decision, meet your budget and relocate smoothly.


Helping people move around HK

Renting in Hong Kong can have it’s pitfalls. We will help you step into a better apartment and avoid unfavourable contracts.


Invest in Australia without the middlemen & SAVE.

Australia is one of the worlds’ cleanest, most liveable places. With a lot of property opportunities. As a Buyers Agency, we can help you meet your living or investment goals.

We are here to help you make the best decision about your home in Hong Kong or a place in Australia.

We have 30 years of personal lived experience in property, including expatriate relocations and rental in Asia.

As Property Advocates and Buyers Agents, we work on your behalf.

We will save you time and money.

We take your brief and find properties that meet your needs.

We don’t list properties. We find you residential property in Australia and Hong Kong.

We are passionate about property because it has a huge impact on your quality of life.

We keep you informed at every step. You stay in control.

Introducing Jo

Founder Jo Bell created this set of services because she is passionate about property and knows how often people make poor decisions.

Move Smart helps people move into Hong Kong.

Rent Smart helps people in Hong Kong make their next move.

Buy Smart is a Buyers Agent helping people in Hong Kong and Australia buy Australian property.

Our decades of experience gives you knowledge, processes, discipline, respect and consideration.

Rent.Buy.Move believes in ‘people helping people’.

1 year ago

After a weeks stay at a pet boarding facility my girl has Kennel Cough.
Even though vaccinated, she still got infected.
She’s doing well, just has a dry honk type cough and is a little lethargic ... See more

1 year ago

Another great buying trip on The Capricorn Coast.
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Lets catch up
  • For anyone in Hong Kong considering renting property or investing in Australia, Jo has experience unlike any other. 
  • Jo purchased her first property in NSW at 18. 
  • Jo has sold homes to over 1,000 families.
  • At the first meeting, we will discuss what you want to achieve. 
  • Jo then explains how Rent.Buy.Move can help. 
  • There’s no cost for our first discussion.
  • We can meet in person, over the phone or by online chat.
Buy Australian Property
Buy Australian Property
International Move
International Move
InterPart of Rent.Buy.Move
Part of Rent.Buy.Move
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